Things of Fashion


When I hear the word “Fashion”,I immediately think of how a person dresses. The way someone dresses tells us a lot about them as a person, I believe. The way a person dresses gives you a first impression of them, if a person dresses shaggily , then it shows you that they may be lazy ,unhygienic  and may not have any ambition in their life as well. If a person is dressed stylish and is kempt , it shows that  they are confident, assertive while also caring about the way they look and what kind of impression they make, about themselves,on others .


Things Manmade


The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Manmade things to me is structures. Manmade things are incredible because they show us our unlimited potential to build incredible structures and come up with very ambitious, creative ideas that can help advance the world into the future such as bridges or skyscrapers etc.  But, Manmade things also show us the possible negative aspects of humanity that can come out as well,  they can make the hubris that is deep within us all come out. the evidence of making all of these amazing structures  can  makes us believe that we are on equal level with God which can be a dangerous way of thinking.




Intelligence  is a wonderful “gift”  with tons of unlimited ,amazing potential but it also is a “gift”  that can  envoke tremendous amounts of envy as well. Intelligence is a wonderful “gift”  because it allows us to envision the amazing things that we could accomplish with it, things such as the expansion and growth of technology or the advancement of medicine to cure diseases,such as cancer etc. We can change the world in a major way with this gift ,but with this gift ,comes envy from people who want it as well.  The envy would come from people who wanted this gift for their own purposes such as fame and fortune etc.




Nature, to me , is  both a thing of beauty and a thing of mystery.    Nature, to me, is a thing of beauty because when I think of nature, the first things to come to mind are the river and the forests. The lush greenery and the  smooth, flowing river create an image of immense  magnificence and grandeur. It illustrates the majesty and the wonderment  of the world we live in it and how beautiful it truly is.It is also a thing of mystery to me because Nature is a force that can be quite destructive, it has a dark,enigmatic quality to it,hence, forests being used in many fairytales.




Ugliness, like beauty ,to me, does not matter  from a exterior standpoint because  exterior “ugliness” is superficial and shallow ,it also does not really tell u about a person’s character. a person might be “ugly” on the outside but may be a warm, generous and beautiful person on the inside . True “ugliness” lies within a person, if a person is  very vain, cold, greedy, manipulative  and basically encompasses  the negative qualities of humanity , that person, no matter how beautiful or handsome they may be on the outside.. their internal “ugliness”  is their true nature ,hence,  it is who they really are and that is someone that no one would want to be or be associated with at all




We, as human beings, love beautiful things  and beauty itself but it  is different things to us all.  To me personally, beauty is love and beauty is optimism  .Beauty being love to me is that it is , in my opinion,  the most positive and lovely of all emotions, it can make us euphoric and filled with joy  ,it can be our light in dark times and it can also give us the strength to move forward in our lives.Optimism is beauty to me because Optimism allows us ,especially in today’s weary, cynical world,  to look for the good or the beauty in the world such as a  child being born or people helping each other.It also allows us to look for the good in people aswell because inside is where true beauty lies.
